Studying Notes in Computer Science
In this page, I just take study notes.
Website & FrontEnd
Create personal wikis based on MKDocs
I actually found this out from SheronW, then I thought about the real needs and decided to get one too.
The needs that could be met are as follows.
Can be used as a blogging alternative, language is English (posture level provided).
Used for writing study notes only, subjects are Math, Physics, Materials Science, Computer Science, language is English.
Forcing yourself to take study notes as if it were an assignment, which helps to make the study abroad experience more efficient.
Therefore, this Python based Wiki program is suitable for international students, but the disadvantage is that there is only one three-column topic.
The official tutorial for MKDocs is written in great detail and can be viewed on the official website:
It supports multiple versions of python and just uses the pip module to install it. So check the installed version and pip under CMD (recommended to open with administrator privileges) to execute the installation.
python --version
pip --version
pip install mkdocs
mkdocs --version
cd D:\\
mkdocs new my-project
cd my-project
pip install mkdocs-material
The actual operation is not as difficult as the article makes it out to be, nothing more.
Feel free to create a repo, name it as you wish, pull it directly into GitHub Pages in setting, Source select master branch, Custom domain set as your own second level domain (of course you can tie other domains, it doesn't matter one or two). This will automatically generate a CNAME file with the second-level domain name, without HTTPS! Such as
Another thing that you need to do is to get your own personal information. I set the CNAME host record for wiki, the record value for Then resolution, a short while later you can access
Then refer to the official guide to configure mkdocs.yml at this time. note that pages should be described by nav.
First git clone the repo, remember to change the branch to gh-pages, then put everything in my-project into the repo directory, after that
mkdocs gh-deploy
Mkdocs supports markdown math equations.
I recently had to use it to write study notes for physics/math, so I researched it. It's actually very simple to set up. Just install pymdown-extensions and configure the mkdoc.yml file.
Install the plug-in first
pip install pymdown-extensions
/* mathjax-loader.js file */
/* ref: */
(function (win, doc) {
win.MathJax = {
config: ["MMLorHTML.js"],
extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],
jax: ["input/TeX"],
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [["\\\\(","\\\\)"]],
displayMath: ["\\\\[","\\\\]"]]
TeX: {
TagSide: "right",
TagIndent: ".8em",
MultLineWidth: "85%",
equationNumbers: {
autoNumber: "AMS",
unicode: {
fonts: "STIXGeneral, 'Arial Unicode MS'"
displayAlign: 'center',
showProcessingMessages: false,
messageStyle: 'none'
})(window, document);
- pymdownx.arithmatex
- pymdownx.betterem. smart_enable: all
smart_enable: all
- pymdownx.caret
- pymdownx.critical
- pymdownx.details
- pymdownx.emoji:
emoji_generator: ! !python/name:pymdownx.emoji.to_svg
- pymdownx.inlinehilite
- pymdownx.magiclink
- pymdownx.mark
- pymdownx.smartsymbols
- pymdownx.superfences
- pymdownx.tasklist. custom_checkbox: true
custom_checkbox: true
- pymdownx.tilde
- mathjax-config.js