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How to make a research grant/budget application

My supervisor Yuko S.Yamamoto made a seminar with me about how to make a research grant/budget application. In Japan, the application in this field should be easy to be read.If you make a application for 1 year research program, it should be short, easy and with some great but available figures(pictures).Word size of it should be 12 and the total pages for research plan, which include applicant,research areas,title of research program,short summary of research program(objective,contents and outcome),amount requested(1 or 2 years),total budget and amount requested,use of grant(item:equipment,supplies,personnel,etc),obejctives and necessity of research program,implementation plan(contents and method),schedule(gantt chart),situation in Japan and abroad of this research program in the field to which this research belongs,features and originality of this research program in the field to which this research belongs,expected outcome(scientific and technical significance & social issues to be solved by this research program),other application(s) for a grant related to this research and other subsidies related to this research,should not be more than requested pages(2~4 pages).

In details, different from China,in Japan every thing should be logically,easily and not too large. Do not let 1 year-iterm looked like that needs more than 1 year to finish. Figures are more important than words but them should painted by yourself.

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